End of Year Goal

“You have people in your corner. Always remember, it takes a village to raise a baby, and the village is closer than you think.” 

Darnesha, mother of Bella Skye

Raised 96.3%
Left to Go

The Coalition Life Mission

For more than 11 years, Coalition Life has fulfilled our commitment to provide compassionate and effective advocates for life at the gates of abortion facilities, offering women options and hope. Our pro-life mission is ending abortion … peacefully and prayerfully. This is done by: 

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Turnarounds outside Abortion Facilities
Women’s Care Connect Clients Served
Women’s Care Connect Clients Served
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Pregnancy Resources

When Doneisha learned that she was pregnant for the first time, she was afraid of what the future would hold. Her dreams and plans just didn’t seem compatible with a pregnancy, and she was unsure what a baby would mean for the rest of her life.

She wanted to be responsible and make sure that her life was in order before having a child but felt like she still had so far to go. The uncertainty flooding her heart led her to seek the only option that seemed to make sense, abortion.

40 Days of Life

September 28th - November 6th

There is no conversation in our culture today that is more important than a sidewalk counselor lovingly reaching out to a woman walking in to have her baby aborted. Sidewalk counselors are the heroes of the pro-life movement and are the last chance the baby has for survival. 

hands-palms-together-praying-vector-20466945 copy
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Sidewalk Counseling

There is no conversation in our culture today that is more important than a sidewalk counselor lovingly reaching out to a woman walking in to have her baby aborted. Sidewalk counselors are the heroes of the pro-life movement and are the last chance the baby has for survival. 


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March Forth
Virtual Marathon

March 4th to April 3rd, 2023

This virtual challenge includes different options–walking, running, swimming, biking…of course, hiking always counts, too! 

All proceeds from your efforts will go toward building a safe home for minor trafficking survivors–young girls who may not know what home should feel like, but need stability, love, care, and healing.


Abortion is the leading cause of death in the United States with an approximate 1.2 Million children losing their lives every year. The problem is sometimes overwhelming and incomprehensible, but we know that “With God all things are possible.”

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Report suspected trafficking or request help at 1 (888) 373-7888 or send a text to BEFREE (233733)

The photos on our website depict models. We will always protect the identities of the minors in our care.

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